Reflection on The Gospel of Mark 3:20-35 Third Sunday after Pentecost     June 9, 2024

The Gospel of Mark 3:20-35 The crowd came together again, so that Jesus and his disciples could not even eat. When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind.” And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, “He has Beelzebul, and by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons.” And he called them to him, and spoke to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but his end has come. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property without first tying up the strong man; then indeed the house can be plundered. “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness but is guilty of an eternal sin”— for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit. Then his mother and his brothers came; and standing outside, they sent for him and called him. A crowd was sitting around him; and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, asking for you.” And he replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.

Let us Pray: Friends in Christ, God invites us to hold the needs of our sisters and brothers as dear to us as our own needs. Loving our neighbors as ourselves, we offer our thanksgivings and our petitions on behalf of our family, the church, and the world. This we pray in your name. Amen.

Have you ever done something that made other people wonder if you have lost your mind? If so, you can probably understand what is going on in this weeks Gospel. This takes place early in Jesus’ ministry when word of his teachings and miracles is starting to spread. This was a homecoming for Jesus’. Our instincts and associations of home and family shape our expectations about how this event will unfold. Jesus did not fit in.  He was at odds with his family and with the religious authorities. Jesus’ earthly family and friends didn’t understand his ministry. Sometimes we can’t understand Jesus and his ministry. Sometimes it’s hard for us to understand who Jesus is, what he does and why he does what he does. Sometimes it’s hard for us to understand who we are, and why we do what we do. Often, we make a hasty judgment about Jesus like His family did. I am sure many times our families have made hasty judgements about each of us and some of the things we have done. We need to ask God what his will is for our lives. We need to ask God why he is doing what he is doing in our lives.         

As Jesus was challenged, Jesus is about to challenge your ideas of what is important in life and what is not; and it will change you. Jesus is about to challenge some of your most fundamental beliefs about family, your friends, and all that you find most important in life. But most of the time we’re God’s children. God’s daughters and sons who bring great joy as well as great concern. We know that Jesus would challenge us. And He is challenging you, to love in the face of a world that prefers to divide rather than heal. Jesus is challenging you to include rather than draw lines of exclusion. Jesus is challenging you to be who you were created to be, creatures of love. You are his family after-all. He also calls us to care for the people we may not know but who are in need.  Some individuals are easier to love than others.  However, the love that Jesus is describing goes beyond love and affection.  Jesus hopes that we will strive to care for and love each individual we encounter.  We may not like the individual. However, hopefully we will choose to love that person. You have been loved into this world through the wide-open arms of Jesus. So, open your own arms wide. Love as you have been loved. That gift of love will be returned to us. Jesus desires that we love every person who is in our lives. Let us then follow Jesus, obey God, as we are in the family of God and should have a close relationship with Jesus, just like his mother or brother. It is an extraordinary privilege and joy to be in the family of God.

Let us Pray: Lord, we ask you to lead us into the coming week. Help us to believe that you are close to us, keep us from making mistakes and help us never to disappoint you. When we face hard decisions or difficult work, You are there to guide and support us and may we know that you share these times with us. Amen

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